Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Proposed Logo/Website Design

Here is a project I was working on which, unfortunately didn't quite get off the ground. I proposed this logo and website, but the client wanted to stick with his old setup. If you are a designer, you know how difficult it can be to sell a client on a new creative direction. I've found that, "Selling" your ideas can be the hardest part of freelance design especially when the client is unsure about what he/she wants. Looking back, I should have probably given the client more options(more comps!), but I got ahead of myself. Lack of communication? Maybe. Indecisive client? That could also be the case. I learned that no matter how excited you are about a project, touch base with the client often to make sure you aren't doing more work than necessary.

Even though it wasn't approved, I still am proud of the concept. Which I guess is why im posting it for everyone to see.

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